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Website © 2020 MGE: Management Experts Inc. All rights reserved.

Courses © 2020 L. Ron Hubbard Library. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

All material available on this website and in these courses are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaty provisions. Users are not authorized to download or transmit any of these materials electronically, or to otherwise reproduce any of these materials in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including data storage and retrieval systems, recording, printing or photocopying. No part of these courses may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright owner.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

This website’s courses are part of the works of L. Ron Hubbard. They are presented to the reader as part of the record of his personal research into life, and the application of same by others, and should be construed only as a written report of such research and not as a statement of claims made by the author or organization. Any verbal representations made to the contrary are not recognized.

Mr. Hubbard researched into many  aspects of life and he is renowned for his contributions in the fields of administration, philosophy, education and drug rehabilitation. These courses contain the fruits of Mr. Hubbard’s research and discoveries in the field of administration – the technology of survival and growth for groups. The principles contained herein have been adopted and employed with great success by many business

HUBBARD is a trademark and is used pursuant to a licensing agreement. The Tiger Symbol is a trademark owned by Hubbard College of Administration International.

Published by Hubbard College of Administration, 320 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90004.

Issue Authority Numbers:
Formulas for Business Success IA # 2203290INTP
Management by Statistics IA # 20033001INTP
Executive Basics IA # 20040301INTP
Increasing Efficiency IA # 20040401INTP
Ethics for Business Survival IA # 20040501INTP
Effective Leadership IA # 20033103INTP